Day 753: Oh, I bet you're so jealous right now.

I met a beautiful mage today, her name is Avarice. I'm sure you saw her. She has flawless pale white skin, much like I do.

Does she remind you of me? She had this cocky and self-absorbed air to her. It was addicting. I offered her a chance to study together, but she declined me. She can keep dick-riding Levistus all she wants. I don't see why she has to turn to divinity, even if it is evil, to keep teaching her magic.

After all, I still managed to do it even without your help.

She stole my book. That bitch.

Regardless, she's been on my mind for quite some time. Even after declining my pathway to a better future, she's taken up room in the library of my psyche. Nothing gets me more riled up than a woman who hates my guts. I'm sure you're fully aware of that by now.

Does it upset you? Seeing me imagine her in promiscuous poses? Offering herself up to my hand? You'd wish you were her with the way I'd take care of her. Do Devas like you even feel such a divine touch? Can your small mind comprehend it?

I can see her now, bound and submissive entirely to me. Unable to escape my touch, pleading and begging for more. My mind is spinning with what I could do with her tail. The things we could accomplish with our spells. Do you imagine yourself in her spot? Using your innate spells from the Weave to be pleasured? To pleasure me?

I bet you want me to go on, get descriptive in the ways I'd fuck her. You dirty dog.

This could have been you, but you got rid of me. Tossed me up, for all these gorgeous ladies to bend over for me. Part of me has to thank you, you really showed me that there's others out there that could enjoy my prescence more than you probably ever will.

I can't wait to see her again. She'll be praying at my alter, and not his. If you ever want to talk again, all you have to do is reach out.